Alicia Davis-Cramer, President
The Humboldt County Chamber of Commerce encourages you to shop local FIRST, before heading out of town. We all know it's fun to travel to a bigger city, but have you ever thought that shopping local has many benefits. Here are 15 reasons to consider or reconsider how you spend your money. 1. Local businesses employ local people. 2. Local employees pay local taxes. 3. Local business people usually support other local businesses. 4. Local employees support local businesses. 5. Local businesses are often--VERY OFTEN--called on for local charities. 6. Local businesses contribute FAR MORE to local charities. 7. Local businesses support local athletic teams and other school/youth organizations. 8. Local businesses provide members of the local service clubs, fire and ambulance volunteers. 9. Local service clubs are primarily dedicated to helping others "in need" as well as supporting many other good charitable causes. 10. Local businesses provide personal service to their customers. 11. Local businesses usually address problems directly, rather than directing the customer to contact the main office located elsewhere. 12. Local businesses are not constantly "merging" or "selling off". 13. Local businesses support the local Chamber of Commerce. 14. Local Chambers of Commerce provide many services and public activities which benefit the whole community. 15. Local business is YOU! |